Sunday, March 6, 2011


*A little ditty I wrote for our ward newsletter.

Commitment, a simple three syllable word that illicits thoughts of similar words such as: pledge, binding, promise, involvement, and obligation. According to the urban dictionary commitment is: what transforms a promise into reality. It is the words that speak boldly of your intentions, and the actions which speak louder than the words. It is making the time when there is none. It means coming through time after time after time, year after year after year.
Being committed is something we encounter daily. Whether it be our commitments to work, school, family, physical health, or a must see television show. While all these things are important and greatly add to our lives, we must follow the counsel of M. Russell Ballard (April 2000 Conference). He stated, “It appears to me that the most important thing every one of us can do is to examine our own commitment and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. We must guard against spiritual apathy and work to maintain the full measure of our loving loyalty to the Lord.”
A desire to be committed to our savior Jesus Christ comes from our understanding of his gospel and Atonement. Being a committed disciple of Jesus Christ is more than merely skimming the surface of the gospel. It requires us to dive into the infinite depths of its fullness. Jacob 4:8 reads, “Behold, great and marvelous are the works of the Lord. How unsearchable are the depths of the mysteries of him; and it is impossible that man should find out all his ways. And no man knoweth of his ways save it be revealed unto him.”
Being a covenant member of the Church of Jesus Christ takes commitment and work. In examining our commitment to Jesus Christ, we must ask ourselves how committed are we to scripture study, prayer, attending all three church meetings, callings, temple attendance, visiting teaching, and to our covenants. Consider the words of Lehi to his sons (2 Nephi 1:21-23), “…arise from the dust my sons (daughters), and be men (women)….Awake, my sons (daughters); put on the armor of righteousness.”
Being committed to our Savior mirrors our understanding and demonstrates our maturity. The greatest treasures and blessings of the gospel are beyond the superficial mediocrity of life. Do as David taught (Psalms 37:5) “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”

1 comment:

  1. Love your writing!...such a good reminder! Love and miss you!
